




The Origin of Levi


In the vibrant and bustling city of Solana, nestled within the ​sprawling and enchanted Solana World, there lived a peculiar cat named ​Levi. Levi wasn't an ordinary feline; he had a gift that no other cat ​possessed. Levi could levitate.

News of the levitating cat spread quickly throughout Solana, and Levi ​became an instant sensation. The crypto normies adored him, and he ​often received treats and toys from admirers who came from far and ​wide just to catch a glimpse of him in action. Children giggled with ​delight as Levi performed playful aerial acrobatics, and even the ​sternest of Solana's elders couldn't help but smile at his antics.

One day, Levi spotted a forest fire threatening trapped creatures. He ​quickly alerted Solana’s fire brigade and guided their rescue efforts, ​leading to the successful saving of the forest creatures. In gratitude, ​the townspeople celebrated Levi’s heroism with a grand festival, ​honoring him with a crystal-encrusted collar. Levi continued to use his ​powers for good, becoming a symbol of hope and magic, forever cherished ​by the people of Solana.